![Freedom the Law](https://dq5pwpg1q8ru0.cloudfront.net/2022/05/15/12/15/31/09686f93-580a-435e-bb2f-f46292cd2e6b/Sunday-school-Lesson-lo-res.png)
AIM: Summarize What Makes A Person A Child of God Through Faith In Christ.
KEY VERSE: “If You Belong To Christ, Then You Are Abraham’s Seed, and Heirs According to
the Promise. “
Galatians 3:29
Click here to view the Sunday school concepts.
AIM: Summarize What Makes A Person A Child of God Through Faith In Christ.
KEY VERSE: “If You Belong To Christ, Then You Are Abraham’s Seed, and Heirs According to
the Promise. “
Galatians 3:29
Click here to view the Sunday school concepts.