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Sunday, August 4th @9:45 AM

Celebrating Family & Friends Day! 
(Followed by light refreshments in Activity Center)

Casual attire is encouraged

Honoring the special people in our lives with God's love and ours.

John 15:12-13

This is my commandment: Love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends. 

Courtesy Guild Ministry

Church Vision

Our Mission for the Master...People

MARK 9:23
Everything is possible for one who believes.

Click Here for the Survey Click Here to View the Presentation
Welcome to Greater New Guide!

We would like to take this moment to extend a very warm welcome to everyone who's visiting our website.  Whether you are viewing our broadcasts or searching for a place to worship. We are delighted that you’re here, where we’re on the Master's mission for the Master's People. Welcome! 

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